Each time the calendar ticks off another year it's hard to reconcile my mind's image of me with the mirror image. It's interesting to note that I have matured in matters of personality, thought processes, knowledge, choices, and so on, while a part of my mind has maintained that sort of 20's exuberance for life and adventure.
The challenge seems to be, the body has a mind of it's own. Literallly. So we have to find a way to live together in harmony and support.
Which brings me back to choices. A relaxed mostly vegetarian lifestyle has always resonated with mind and body. Recently I moved into the raw realm, with great comfort and joy. The experimenting has cost me, though. Recent blood work revealed low protein and Vit. D3. And a gain of about 25 pounds - ditching the nuts, for sure.
Weight has always been an issue. I just love to work with food, an artistic outlet. It loves me, too. Add to that genetic blessings of poor conformation in the feet and knees, and it's a formula for a lot of discomfort and frustration when my body can't carry out my mind's enthusiasims.
Eventually, something has always kicked me into gear to make the effort, once again. This time it is just age, pure and simple. I'm 63. I have young-t0-teenage grandpunks that I want to spend time with and TRY to keep up with. I am my aging mother's live-in caregiver. If I can't keep up with her 84-year-old mental and physical issues - well, not a pretty picture.
So. While contemplating the need for foot surgery, and some knee surgery down the road, it struck me forcibly I had to find a better way. A better way of dealing with the weight, a better way to keep my life simple (always a quest), a better way of relating to food.
And - it had to be IMMEDIATE. Too much riding on this. And I'm just danged tired of the clothes battle, too.
Enter a friend who was having great success with HCG. A lightbulb went on. Lots of late night hours online researching, gathering info to support that lightbulb. It didn't take long to conclude that this was worth doing.
Now I know just what other friends and family would have to say - so I'm not confiding. They can see the results in time, and ask if they want. I loved one forum comment regarding the question, "
What have you been doing?" Answer:
"I get abducted by aliens evernight and they do liposuction before returning me." I mean really - do your own homework, people. That is one of my favorite personal sayings.
So this blog is going to be partly my journal, partly building a resource combination of menus and recipes, and maybe finding others who will share their own insights into the whole weight-body image-health and SIMPLE LIVING realm.
I don't have time to keep up with forums and such, so this is it. I know from doing my other blogs, that posting won't be daily, but enough to help keep me focused and give me another reason to stay the course.
Here goes!